Role of Hanuman in your Life

Hanuman leaped over the ocean (now Indian ocean) to reach Lanka (now Sri Lanka) over millions of years ago. He overcame several hurdles. It is all history. How does this help all of us today? What can we learn from Hanuman and what is his role in our lives? Why are there hundreds of Hanuman temples across our nation, Bharath and the world?

For devotees and truth seekers, Hanuman represents acharya who connects a soul with the forgotten identity. The identity is: A soul is always subservient to God, not independent of God. Hanuman utilises his knowledge, wit, values, qualities, appearance and all his skills to overcome any kind of hurdle in bridging the gap between a suffering soul (Sitha) and longing Lord (Sri Rama).

For Vedic scholars, Hanuman is an epitome of scriptural wisdom. The way he addressed Rama and Lakshmana as soon as he spotted them in the forest was brilliant. He recognised them to be Kings even though their dressing did not suggest that.

Management officials see Hanuman as an exceptional strategist for overcoming all obstacles to attain a set goal. He is the pioneer of a an improved version of current SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) analysis. Hanuman knows how to strategize success through five fold wisdom (goal, means to achieve, obstacles, strengths, limitations)!

For historians, Hanuman is a key player in the ithihasa sreshtam (the best part in the vast history of mankind, the Ramayana). He saved Rama’s life by tracing the location of the kidnapped Sitha and giving Him the news of Her words after months of searching around. He saved Sitha’s life by letting Her know that Rama is close by to protect Her.

For body trainers and fitness experts, Hanuman’s strength and is beyond words. His physical strength is not only a result of his physical training, but also because of his comprehensive understanding of the nature of body, himself and God.

For everyone, Hanuman has something beautiful to teach. Today, all such greatness is experienceable in the form of vision and wisdom shared by Ramanujacharya, the acharya of current millennium. So, all the residents of Burjugudda built a temple for Hanuman in the form of Deity to inspire them every day just a few kilometres from Divya Saketham and Statue of Equality.

– From the discourse of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
– 13 th March 2020, Hanuman Temple Prathishta
– Burjugadda Thanda, Shahpur

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